People’s Voice Edition: Restaino & Rulli Lead Charge in Saving Hyde Park Fireworks

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Rose Bruno: Thank you Robert and David!


Michael Federspiel: Glad it is working out for the veterans and kids. Embarassing that the City has to get a handout.


Denise Marie Strope: Oh good thank you guys who did donate your time. Gonna see many smile’s from all those kids!


Laurie Guinn: Pretty sad when the private sector has a bailout the city Niagara Falls.


Sam Archie: I love the fireworks show but before people pat everyone on the back why don’t you talk to business or residents in the area they have a different opinion.


Jen Capton: On every other issue the many pay for the misdeeds of a few. I could care less where the fireworks are, at the Falls, Hyde Park… should be our number one concern. I have only been back home a couple of years, but every 4th i hear more about the fights than the fireworks. Maybe if you lived in the path of destruction, you would feel differently.


Tina Dolson: Smh! People around here are so short sighted. That money could have been used to open up one of these closed down youth centers! Give the kids something to do in this dead ass town for the summer. N.F’s fireworks have appeared ‘generic’ for years! The casino has a great firework show. The people around here are looking for solutions, for a broken down town, in the wrong places. Fireworks? REALLY!? Out of all of the things this town needs, y’all cried about some damn fireworks.


Dan Dusher: With all the issues after the fireworks, why not clear the park after it’s over? The park closes at dusk, so they are just extending hours one night, therefore the park is closed once the event is over.


Aggie Cicco: Thanks to all responsible to bring about this celebration.


Carol Bevilacqua: Why can’t everyone just be positive. Thanks KeyBank!




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