Legendary Martial Artist Frank Dux’s Arrival in Niagara Falls Reminds Readers there are some Great Fighters here

The real Frank Dux (r) in front of the man that played him, Jean Claude Van Damme.

The real Frank Dux (r) in front of the man that played him, Jean Claude Van Damme.

Following the publication of an interview with martial arts legend Frank Dux — Jim Allcorn of Niagara Falls wrote to remind us that our area has several great martial artists and fighters who have resided, fought and/or taught here for years.

Dux, who divides his time between Los Angeles, Houston and Niagara Falls, was the inspiration for the mega successful 1988 film Bloodsport. which was to catapult an unknown actor, Jean-Claude Van Damme, into stardom through his portrayal of Dux.

But Allcon has a point, too – this region has some topflight talent.

Among the “deserving martial artists and fighters from right here in The Falls.” Allcorn writes, are “Ramon Casal and his son Nick, the Presti’s, Mark Cheers and numerous others with legitimate accomplishments. Men and women who have spent years and indeed their whole life learning and teaching their craft that have actually fought and won authentic, prestigious national titles as amateurs & professionals.”

While Allcorn is not a fan of Dux, who has had his share of controversy and critics, Dux is nevertheless a living legend in the field of marital arts.

Even his bitterest opponents cannot dispute his authentic martial arts abilities.

But those who have seen him fight – or fought against him – including a cadre of famous martial artists interviewed by the Reporter – call Dux one of the, if not the greatest fighter of all time – the true legatee of the famous Black Dragon Society – the undefeated winner of the Kumite – and the only fighter who everyone feared in the kind of fighting that today’s fighters would shudder to compete in – the no-holds-barred (literally) – no referee – fight until your opponent is knocked out – throat strikes, groin shots, elbows to the spine, anything goes fights – like a real blood sport or street fight – played out illegally – off shore – in islands in the Bahamas or in Hong Kong, Tokyo or Spain – or rooftops in Chinatown – the loser flying off the roof  – in rich men’s compounds – or rented arenas or a clearing in the woods – where – like a dog fight – in top secret – fighters were often seriously, even fatally injured and the only money that changed hands was the gamblers who illegally waged bets over which fighter would emerge victorious.

These were not televised events.  These were private tests of honor and skill.

Dux was the first of the occidentals who crashed the domain of centuries-old oriental martial art skills and beat them.

He did not fight for money or an audience. He fought to prove he was the best.

Dux succeeded.

He is a living legend and among the petty jealous bourgeoisie of the martial arts community – men who never actually competed in a true bloodsport competition, it is fashionable to put down Dux’s accomplishments or denigrate him.

Yet when the greatest fighters of the era, Vic Moore, Jim McCune, Ron Pierce, Dr. Day, Michael Felkoff, Jimmy Hydrich, and a cadre of others, are unanimous in saying Dux was the top tier, one of, if not the greatest no-holds-barred fighters of his or any generation, and the true legatee of the second generation of the feared Black Dragon Fighting Society, then the words of his critics must be weighed carefully against such evidences.

Of course, there are some great fighters in this area, and they deserve praise and admiration, but it was Dux who, through his inspiration, a famous movie was made about his life, and who was the true inspiration of Mixed Martial Arts as a sport.

Compared to the kind of fighting Dux and his colleagues fought, however, Mixed Martial Arts is a tame affair indeed.

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